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Burn Permits

You can get a permit application or apply for a permit on Ecology’s website at

You should receive your permit within a week.

If you have questions about burning or filling out the application please call Ecology at 509-329-3400 and ask to speak to the burn team member on duty or email them at

Webinar: Highly Erodible Land & Wetland Compliance for FSA & NRCS Programs

Tilth Conference November 14-16th in Vancouver, WA

WA Soil Health Initiative
Events Calendar

Fuel Rebate Available for Producers



Keeping Your Septic System On Point

Statewide Water Condition Updates


Award-winning Eastern WA Supports Farms & Clean Waters

Copyright Policy:  All information and materials generated by the Adams Conservation District (ACD) and provided on this site are the property of ACD. ACD retains copyright on all text, graphic images, and other content that was produced by ACD. You may print copies of information and material for your own non‐commercial use, provided that you include a credit line reading: "Courtesy of Adams Conservation District." Commercial use of text, ACD logo, photos, and other graphics is prohibited without the express written permission of ACD.
Accessibility:  ACD is committed to ensuring the information on our website is accessible to all, including those with disabilities. By using the 'Contact' tab above or calling 509-659-1553 users can report accessibility issues or request information in an alternate format.

Created by Gigamedics for Adams Conservation District ©2022.

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